Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back to work

I took the last two days of work off in hopes of sleeping off whatever I am fighting. I managed to keep my meals down all day yesterday and fought off the urge for a nap. That forced me to fall asleep early last night, but it was well worth it.

Today I headed back to work & my body is screaming at me to lay down. I ate breakfast ok, but lunch made a revisit. I am really frustrated with this. So it's back to soda crackers.

I got the nerve to ask my SS class for prayer, well at least just emailed the ladies. I didn't realize how encouraging they would be. The responses have come at the perfect time. It is so good to know I have such an amazing group of friends.

Tonight is Wednesday, which means AWANA. My partner in this fabulous ministry has told me I will be sitting down all night doing paperwork, not my favorite thing, but I know I need it, so I am going to accept it and move on. I'm just nervous cause the bathrooms are so far away and if I have to throw up what do I do? Boy oh boy chronic illness is so much fun! I just can't believe all I go through.

I am curious about Lymph Node issues though and of course I can't find much. If you happen to know of any sites that would be good for information please comment. I can feel the lymph nodes in my neck, arm pit, under my breast and by my collar bone and they are swollen and painful. I don't see my doctor for another month and I hate to call her and see if it's a big deal.... I know I should call, but I was hoping to find something online to see if it is something I should worry about.

I hope you are all having a better day than I am :-).

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