Monday, April 5, 2010

Once again I have failed to update my blog :-(. I really need to get into a habbit of taking care of this blog. So once again, forgive me.

A LOT has happened since mid January. My family & I went on an 8 day vacation to Orlando. It was AMAZING! But I spent a few weeks after to just trying to get over the travel and all that came with it. I did think it was well worth it.

February came and went & so did March. So hard to believe.

3 weeks ago I started getting headaches and finally went to the Doctor today. So I start some more Rx in hopes of dealing with it... the list of drugs I take is getting longer & longer. Hopefully it will take care of it though so I can go a day with out head pain.

I also asked the doc about a side pain I have been having. He checked it out and immediatly ordered liver function test and an immediate ultrasound. GOOD times!

So the Lupus fight continues. I'm sure I will waste my time on all these tests only to be told "it's just Lupus".

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