Thursday, April 30, 2009


70, that is the magic number. The crappy number, the number I hate. That's the number of pounds I have gained from lyrica in 9 months. Now I will be the first to admit I don't make some of the best eating choices, but 70 pounds is a little much. The Lyrica Manufactors claim that weight gain is a small percentage of people taking it. Well it's not and the weight gain is crazy. I don't fit into any of my clothes and honestly if I have to by a bigger size pair of jeans I will ball my eyes out. I have never been this big and I refuse to go up a size, so for now I am SQUEEZING my butt into these jeans.

My rhuemy is taking me off the lyrica 100%, I am so happy. SHe's gonna put me on something else for a little while. I am also on strict instructions to use my lunch breaks to get fresh air.

I am in the midst of a flare, mainly cause I am not sleeping that well and my flares are associated with my hormones as well.

Other than all this crazy stuff, life continues to go on. I was blessed to get an email from a reader of this site. I didn't really know others followed it. She has Lupus and has dealt with some of the same situations I have. It was really neat to read her email (I actually read it twice). I love knowing I'm not alone and others have the same expierences. Fight for people to liste!!!
I started a twitter page where I am doing updates daily on my lupus stuff. You can follow me there at I am going to find out if I can put a twitter feed on this site so the updates comr through daily.


grandmarockton said...

hello, are you my swap partner this month on BLOCK swap been trying the link provided but until to night didn't get anything?

Sophie - LFA said...

Can you pass this along via your blog, and to all your contacts?

Lupus Foundation of America Needs Your Help -- Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor S. 1630, the Affordable Access to Prescription Medications Act

Go to

Click on the link "Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor S. 1630, the Affordable Access to Prescription Medications Act," enter your zip code in the box called “Call Now” and click on the “go” button. You’ll then be presented with the contact information for your senators, as well as get talking points for what to say when you call.

Please ask your family, friends and coworkers to call on your behalf as well.

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